About FreeCable

The FreeCable Story
There is consensus that the different marine seismic acquisition systems offered to customers each have limitations: towed streamers deliver great productivity, but suffer from the limitations of an essentially linear shooting and recording array, and the noise generated around the streamer at 5 knots average speed. Sea bottom systems using cables or nodes deliver superior full azimuth data, but their low productivity results in very high costs and long survey durations.
The FreeCable system is the result of 5 years of concepts, designs, prototypes and full scale trials. It started with a challenge to offer customers better quality data without the time-consuming and onerous aspects of sea-bottom acquisition systems. The outcome exceeds expectations.
The FreeCable system is in many ways inspired by land seismic acquisition, in which the receivers are independent of the source, and full azimuth and long offset data can be achieved.
The idea is to locate a series of parallel cables at a controlled depth below wave noise, and have a source vessel navigate shot lines perpendicular to the cables.
Robotics make this possible, providing a cost-effective and flexible way to move the cables into position, and serve as the power generator and the recording / transmission unit for the cables' receivers and depth control subsystems.
Our RAV (Recording Autonomous Vehicle) was designed leveraging expertise from the mature ASV/AUV industry, delivering the first robotically-controlled cables in the industry.

Based in Marseille, France, Kietta brings together a team of domain experts in seismic recording systems, positioning and navigation technology, autonomous marine vessels, telecommunications, robotics, automated depth control sub-systems and power management. Together they developed the first FreeCable system, which underwent a successful full-scale deployment in 2015. Kietta holds numerous patents that are the foundation of the FreeCable system’s technology.
The FreeCable system is designed to operate 24 hours a day, year-round. Kietta has designed and put in place sophisticated systems that support the operational team that is led by experienced professionals covering logistics, HSE, crew management, customer relations and maintenance.